3. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2011)


Linked Data für die Massen

Der Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT) bietet seit 2009 Unternehmen und Organisationen die Möglichkeit, sich zu Themen im Bereich semantischer Technologien auszutauschen. Im letzten Jahr wurden Semantic Web Technologien von vielen Firmen in größerem Umfang eingesetzt. Beispiele dafür sind der Einsatz von Linked Data bei der New York Times, das Open Graph Protokoll bei Facebook, die Unterstützung der GoodRelations-Ontologie durch Google sowie zahlreiche Initiativen für transparentes E-Government (z.B. data.gov). Im Fokus des diesjährigen LSWT steht das Thema "Linked Data für die Massen" und soll insbesondere Unternehmen helfen, einen leichten Einstieg in die Nutzung entsprechender Technologien zu finden.




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Featured Video: Semantic Web – Hab ich was verpasst? (LSWT2011 Keynote von Andreas Blumauer)

Keynote Leipziger Semantic Web Tag 2011 - Andreas Blumauer from AKSW Research Group - Leipzig on Vimeo.


Feed Title: blog.aksw.org

AKSW was winning COMPSAC 2012 Best Paper Award for article about RDFa Content Editor
Already some time ago, AKSW’s Ali Khalili was releasing an open-source version of the RDFa Content Editor (RDFaCE). RDFaCE is based on the Web HTML Editor TinyMCE and supports different views for semantic content authoring. It uses existing Semantic Web APIs to facilitate the automatic annotation and editing of RDFa content embedded in HTML. All information about RDFaCE [...]

More than 20 European Union Datasets Converted to RDF by LATC Project
Over the past two years, the LATC project (Linked Open Data Around-The-Clock) has worked on converting more than 20 EU datasets to RDF, make them available as Linked Data and SPARQL, and link them to other datasets. The datasets have gone through internal quality assurance against a publication checklist. LATC supports the EU Open Data [...]

Can we create better links by playing games?
Most of you will agree that links are an important element of the Web of Data. There exist a number of tools, such as LIMES or SILK, which are able to create a high number of such links by using heuristics. The manual validation of verification of such links can be very time-consuming, so we [...]

Sorry, I don?t speak SPARQL ? A Survey
Many Semantic Web applications are currently based on SPARQL. In particular, an increasing number of systems, such as question answering systems, keyword search or search by example internally construct SPARQL queries. However, lay users do not understand this language, so it is difficult to give the user feedback on what queries the system constructed. To [...]

LOD2 Webinar Series: LIMES ? Discovery of Links across Knowledge Bases
The 1st version of the LOD2 Stack has been published in September 2011 in the form of an LOD2 Stack demo and the downloadable LOD2 Stack virtual machine image – additional details and the instructions on installing the LOD2 Stack from scratch are available in the How-To-Start document. Born from the wish to make linking [...]

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Last Modification: 2011-05-30 19:56:40 by Thomas Riechert